Cheap Imitations

December 31, 2015 § Leave a comment

Cheap Imitations

Human cloning has the potential to change the world in a way few innovations have throughout history, but as with many disruptive technologies, it will bring obsolescence to previously existing paradigms.

One of the first casualties is most certainly going to be the adoption market. Why adopt when you could clone? The public domain is chockablock with remarkable people; think of the possible return on investment when raising a cloned child, whom you know has the potential for greatness, instead of rolling the dice on an average orphan where the odds of amounting to anything significant are heavily stacked against them.

Markets for extraordinary copyrighted clones will likely emerge as they could be monetized in a great many ways. Of course the troublesome issue of piracy will have to be dealt with if the copyrighted cloning industry is to reach maturity. The last thing anyone wants is the proliferation of pirated versions (people will sell them at a discount, or give them away for free like they will with orphans).

No, strict copyright law enforcement is going to be a necessity for the robustness of industry; otherwise the markets will be continually flooded with nothing more than cheap imitations.

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