Womyn Are From Venus

April 22, 2016 § Leave a comment

Womyn are from Venus

Planet Mars (named after the Roman god of war [typical violent male]) is receiving considerably more attention at the moment than the planet Venus (the Roman goddess of love and beauty [Earth’s sister planet]) with regards to interest in manned space exploration. “Is not Mars the best candidate for such endeavors?” you ask. No, once again this is just another manifestation of the Patriarchy rearing its ugly head.

Venus is a far superior option to Mars, she’s much nearer, so there is less of a communications delay, and given the eccentricity of Mars’ orbit, the launch windows for Venusian missions are a great deal more frequent than that of Martian excursions. Yes, she is roasting hot, and she does rain down sulphuric acid from time to time, but her gravity is similar to Earth (Mars’ is significantly weaker), and her atmosphere shields those deadly cosmic rays (of course Mars has no protection). Now, there is a downside, landing on the surface is probably not the optimal approach for exploring Venus as her atmospheric pressure is such that it will instantaneously flatten any object in the known solar system.

Venusian explorations are best conducted from the skies (about 30 miles up), where conditions are much more Mother Earth-like in temperature and pressure. Sadly, the Patriarchy’s drive to penetrate extraterrestrial regolith with their flagpoles prevents them from realizing that Venus is undoubtedly a better target than Mars, even if she won’t let people walk all over her.

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